सबसे पहले यह कार्य करने वालों में से एक बनें!
The project fits you if you would like to
Become a co-owner of a promising business and earn money together with the company
Support Soviet and Russian technologies
Earn money with the partner program
Make a difference in the world
Why does the project need investments?
अत्यधिक लाभदायक बिज़नेस स्थापित करने के लिए, हमें कुछ ज़रूरी काम पूरे करने होंगे जिसके लिए हमें वित्तपोषण की ज़रूरत होगी
- एक ऐसा उद्यम स्थापित करें जहां बड़े पैमाने पर अलग-अलग प्रकार की एयरशिप का उत्पादन और उनका रखरखाव किया जाएगा
- कई प्रकार की एयरशिप का विकास और प्रमाणीकरण करें
- पायलेट और टेक्नीशियन के लिए एक ट्रेनिंग स्कूल स्थापित करें
- बड़े पैमाने पर विमान का उत्पादन करें
- एक मालिकाना ऑपरेटिंग कंपनी लॉन्च करें
What will the investors earn a profit from?
Participate on the best investment conditions of the prelaunch stage
Invest now
in the establishment of a parent enterprise in order to profit from all future commercial projects of the company
Get a share
in the future business on the best conditions of the prelaunch stage
Earn a profit
from capitalization of the company or by getting dividends
Airship customers
The following entities have shown keen interest in our airships and are planning to become our customers:
Roscosmos (The State Corporation for Space Activities)
Rosleshoz (The Federal Forestry Agency)
RosGeo (Russian Geological Exploration Holding)
and other major state-owned and private companies
टेक्नालोजी के बारे में
Creating a new industry
About 100 years ago the development of aeronautics halted, nowadays airships are few in number and are used mainly for advertising and tourism. Thanks to state-of-the-art technologies, our aircraft with a wide range of applications will be in high demand in hard-to-reach and long-haul regions of Russia, Indonesia, and Latin America. We are creating a new industry in transportation and intend to become its leaders.
Freight and passenger transportation
door-to-door transportation of containers, oversized and heavy cargoes anywhere in the world, loading and unloading from the air
comprehensive environmentally friendly development of hard-to-reach forests, firefighting
development of extractable resources, cartography, environmental monitoring.
information transfer using stratospheric airships
Special tasks
rescue operations, monitoring of urban and natural areas
multi-day cruises around the globe, flights to the North Pole in airships equipped with comfortable cabins, concert halls, restaurants, recreation areas
Oil and gas industry
transportation of liquefied helium, equipment, crews
transportation of launch vehicles, rescue operations
A new era of aeronautics
Advantages of our technologies
State-of-the-art patented technologies are what underpin the uniqueness of our airships. All our developments are unrivaled worldwide.
- 01
The integrated multi-sectional design of the supporting shell and balloons of a semirigid airship allows for faster and cheaper production of the hull, which is equipped with a multifunctional auxiliary power unit in the nose and tail parts.
- 02
Methods for mechanized mooring of an airship to mooring devices with just one ground operator or without a ground crew on small-sized landing sites, as well as landing on water.
- 03
Basing stratospheric platforms at an altitude of 12-15 km, while all known counterparts are designed for an altitude of 18-25 km. This allows year-round long non-stop flights utilizing internal combustion engines.
- 04
Combined power unit instead of a homogeneous one. High-efficiency diesel engines, combinations of electric motors and solar panels are used.
- 05
Mechanized method of taking out of the hangar and putting into it large-size designs of stratospheric airships at side wind strength of up to 12-15 m/sec.
- 06
Наличие противоснеговой системы для обеспечения круглогодичной стоянки дирижаблей под открытым небом в любой климатической зоне мира.
Environmental friendliness
Our developments
The most promising types of airships with a wide range of applications, some of which we will produce as part of the project. All of them are designed in compliance with the international standards.
Patents and certificates
Patented engineering solutions make our developments unique and protect them from copying.
Production facilities
The project will be implemented with the participation of several research and engineering enterprises in Russia
formation of aerodynamic and dynamic appearance of the airship, modeling of the nacelle.
development of pilot-navigation and simulator complexes, development of airborne systems and means of air traffic organization.
development of aeronautical fabric and film materials, production of outer shell components and gas compartments, production of process tooling.
general assembly, certification testing, mass production of airships, commercial operation of prototype models.
production of nacelle frames and keel beams from aluminum alloys, composite nacelle panels.
the main contractor for designing the Flying Yacht airship.
किसी भी के लिए वहनीय निवेश
इस प्रोजेक्ट को जन-निवेश के माध्यम से वित्त पोषित किया गया है, जिसमें कई निजी निवेशकों से फ़ंड्स प्राप्त हुए हैं। आप बेहतरीन शर्तों पर एक इनोवेटिव बिज़नेस के सह-मालिक बनते हैं और कंपनी के लाभ से अपने अंश के अनुपात में लाभांश कमाते हैं।
- न्यूनतम निवेश: $ 50
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- दुनिया में कहीं से भी निवेश करें
- निवेशकों के अधिकार एक समझौते द्वारा सुरक्षित होते हैं